
+1 (939) 464-2122


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Los petroglifos taínos de la Mina del Yunque


Event details

  • La Mina / El Yunque
  • January 22, 2023
  • Sunday, 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
  • Descubre y disfruta los tesoros de La Mina del Yunque

    Ven con nosotros a descubrir y disfrutar esta Mina de tesoros que esconden nuestros ancestros en la parte sur del Yunque. Desde la experiencia del senderismo conocerán unos de los petroglifos únicos, poco vistos y estudiados en nuestras islas de Puerto Rico.

    Caminaremos por áreas boscosas llenas de manantiales de aguas puras dónde la Naturaleza nos arropará con su energía sanadora.
  • Ray Rodriguez Colon
  • 9394642122

Contact event manager

Tickets details

  • $45.00 ATH Mobile 16 remaining
  • $48.00 PayPal 16 remaining
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Los petroglifos taínos de la Mina del Yunque

Cll 13, Punta Santiago, Humacao, Puerto Rico, Humacao 00741, Puerto Rico

Sunday, 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
January 22, 2023


Ray Rodriguez Colon


Organizer's other events

Los petroglifos taínos de la Mina del Yunque

Cll 13, Punta Santiago, Humacao, Puerto Rico, Humacao 00741, Puerto Rico

Sunday, 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
January 22, 2023



  • Difficulty level: nivel 2
  • Meeting point:
    The sandwich inn of Humacao
  • Link with google pin: Google Maps
  • Meeting time: 8:30am
  • Schedule: 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Input: $45.00

Required equipment:

  • Traer su mascarilla 😷
  • Ropa cómoda de camisa y pantalón largos
  • Sombrero o gorra
  • Muda de ropa por si llueve o se mojan
  • Zapatos cerrados o botas de hiking 🥾
  • Mochila con first aid kit y meriendas saludables
  • Botella de agua reusable (1/2 galón de agua)
  • Repelente contra insectos
  • Utensilios reusables: vaso, plato, tenedor y cuchillo 🍴.
  • If you are allergic to insects or bees, bring your epipen.


  • Almuerzo criollo
  • Educational tour

Event Difficulty:

Level 1: Easy / we recommend it for people of all ages.

Level 2: Regular/includes difficult hikes, so we recommend parental discretion and supervision over their children's participation.

Level 3: Difficult / we recommend it only for people accustomed to long, difficult walks on uneven terrain. We do not recommend the participation of children.

Level 4: Extreme / we recommend it only for people in excellent physical condition who can handle the challenges of the nature of the place. Includes long walks under difficult environmental conditions. We check your physical condition, your equipment and your clothing before starting.

***COVID-19 screening protocol will be carried out.

**For more information, doubts and/or questions you should call 939-464-2122.
***You can reserve your space through ATH Móvil using the same number and make the corresponding donation. Otherwise your space will not be reserved.

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